Keep Your Cheap Car Insurance by Driving Safely

car insurance

InsuranceLecturer — The world of insurance is ruled by very simple cause and effect. If you drive safely, you pay less. But if you pick up tickets for moving violations or make a claim, your cheap car insurance is likely to disappear when renewal comes around (if not sooner).

The moral of this story is therefore to stay within the law of the road and do everything you reasonably can to avoid an accident. For the record, there are excellent defensive driving courses offered in every city.

It does not cost a lot to pick up the standard techniques. As a younger or older driver, there are usually discounts available if you successfully complete a course approved by your insurance company, i.e. it pays you to develop better driving skills.

Whether you have a certificate from a driving school, let’s assume you are on the road. Everything that follows should be common sense. It starts with watching the road.

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What’s the problem? The number of people who drive with a cell phone or mobile device in their hands. Not only do they take their eyes off the road, they also distract themselves by texting messages. A vast number of accidents now involve distracted drivers.

No matter how great the temptation, you should never use any of the current in-car technology while the vehicle is in motion. If there’s an emergency and you have to speak with someone or send a message, stop. Obviously distraction is more than technology.

It also involves not holding a sandwich and a drink, touching up your make-up or combing your hair, or arguing with a passenger (particularly one in the back seat). If you want to give yourself a reason to follow these simple rules, some insurer’s now offer camera systems to monitor your driving style in real time.

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This is in addition to the pay-as-you-drive policies that give you cheap car insurance if the technology reports you do not accelerate quickly, brake suddenly or swerve violently.

The statistics from around the world prove there are more accidents when people drive quickly. This is not just a question of obeying the speed limits. This is driving at the right speed for the weather conditions and the number of other vehicles around you.

There are times when traveling at the maximum speed permitted will be positively dangerous. The same goes for running through stop lights or for failing to slow when people are using a crossing. All this means you should allow more time for your journeys.

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Check the local radio for reports of problems before you set off, leaving early and drive at a leisurely speed. There’s no need to race any of the other vehicles on the road. So there you have it. Avoid stress while driving and keep your cheap car insurance in place.

If all this is going to be a struggle either you should think of upgrading from cheap car insurance to a policy that will give adequate cover when you have an accident.