InsuranceLecturer — The expensive dental treatment gave birth to the must-have dental insurance to overcome the expenditure on dental treatment. Previously only big companies insured its employees for dental problems but now many small companies provide facility of dental insurance to its employees.
This leads to increase in productivity and less sick time as the employees are healthier. What’s more, all this for the cost of only ten percent of the total medical coverage? You can select the most suitable option from the different options for dental insurance plans available to you.
Some of the most expensive plans for dental insurance include direct reimbursement plans. In these direct reimbursement plans the company pays directly for the treatment of its employees from the money reserved for this purpose.
The reimbursement to the employees is done by a simple formula to calculate the reimbursement money by calculating the deductibles and complexity of co-payments. Although these direct reimbursement plans may not be affordable by smaller companies but the ADA strongly recommends this plan.
The most cheap plan for dental care is the “Managed care plans” that is similar to those medical HMO. Regular co-payments are used to pay for the treatment but the main clause is that there is a specified pool of dentists from where the employees can get their treatment from.
This plan is most suitable plan for small businesses. In “Managed care plans” the amount of co-payment varies with the procedures adopted. While advanced procedures will have to bear higher co-payments, the co-payment is not required in case of preventive procedures.