life insurance brokerage

Trusted Life Insurance Brokerage Specialist

InsuranceLecturer — Unbeatable Quote UK is a specialist life insurance cover brokerage based in Wetherby, near Leeds in the North of England. We have an instant online quote facility that provides a life insurance quote from all the major providers in the UK.

As we are FSA regulated (409322) and part of one of the largest protection networks within the UK called Personal Touch, we can also offer advice on the life insurance quotes that are obtained.

We are also happy to discount the premium you receive from us; after all you can’t call yourself Unbeatable Quote UK and then allow yourself to be beaten on price. The prices that you get from the online quote system show the different providers in price order.

If you see the insurance plan you want then you can click continue to read the key facts document on that specific plan and also then go onto to complete an application form to apply for the insurance online.

In order to apply for the insurance you will need to be able to answer a number of basic questions. These are;

  1. The sum assured: this is basically the amount of insurance you want to take out you could match this to an outstanding mortgage or a lump sum of money to protect loved ones.
  2. The term: this is the length of time you wish to take the cover over, this could be matched to the term on a mortgage or you may wish to take it to cover up until perhaps retirement age.
  3. Level/decreasing: this is the specific type of insurance you decide to have. A level insurance plan would have a sum assured where the amount of insurance remains level throughout the policy term ideal for in interest only mortgage or for family protection. A decreasing insurance plan where the sum assured would decrease over the term of the mortgage to mirror a standard capital and repayment mortgage. This can also be the cheaper version of life insurance.
  4. Joint or Single: you can take your insurance on a joint or a single basis. If you are husband and wife, or in a partnership then you can often receive a slightly cheaper premium for your insurance on a joint basis. Alternatively a single plan will ensure you are covered should you just wish to protect yourself on two single life plans which costs slightly more but where both policies could be claimed on.
  5. Date Of Birth: this is because the insurance will get more expensive the older that you get. So your age will have an influence on the prices you will eventually receive.
  6. Smoking Status: this also can have an effect on the premiums you will receive for the insurance.
  7. Gender: the laws regarding this are going to be changed. As from 2012 a female will have to pay the same as males however currently and in the past they receive lower premiums than men, this in the main was due to biology, and a female would normally live longer than a male. Recent changes in the laws prompted in the European Courts of Justice have meant that all genders pay the same for the insurance.
  8. Other than the above you will just need your personal information so we can send the quotation to you after receiving it online.
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Once you have your online life insurance quotes you can submit your medical details to the insurance company and if they are happy with everything they will underwrite your cover at the price given.

Life insurance cover is a relatively cheap form of protection insurance and it can help provide help for you family during what could be a very testing time. With the advent of online life insurance quote websites it is easier and more simple than ever to ensure you have cover against the unexpected.

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The plan will pay out a tax free lump sum of money should you die within the policy term and you will often find that with the majority of the best insurance plans available in the market, there is an automatic part of the policy built in called terminal illness insurance, this means that should you be diagnosed with less than 12 months to live the insurance plan will make the lump sum payment prior to your death.

The only stipulation to this is normally that, there is more than 12 months to run on your contract. The money can be used to either pay off your loans, mortgage or any outstanding debts or alternatively it could be used to provide an income for your family who are going to be left in a worse financial situation after your death.

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Why Life Insurance Cover?

Many of us move through life without stopping to think about what would happen to our families if we died. It is the sort of discussion that can be taboo in some circles as we prefer to discuss more optimistic things happening. However it is one of the certainties of life: death.

If you died tomorrow, would your wife and children be covered. If you run your own business, would there be any security for employees and partners? Have you thought about what would happen to anyone you care for, such as elderly parents? All of these need to be addressed to make sure your sudden exit from this mortal coil does not leave other people picking up the pieces.

It is a situation where you can be selfless and leave a legacy. After all, what could be worse than your family finding out about your death and then finding they’re angry at you because you left them high and dry to the extent that you did not even leave any provision to cover your funeral.

So there now needs to be an analysis of your life to see if you fall into any of the categories where life insurance can be a benefit.

  • Are you married and have children?
  • Are you single but care for an infirm or vulnerable person?
  • You have a mortgage and are not single?
  • Do you run your own business with partners and employees?
  • Do you wish to donate some of your money to charity?